Do you believe you may have lost money due to poor financial advice?
Find out how to make a complaint and attempt to recover your losses.
Making a complaint
Know your options for making a complaint.
Where to go if you have a concern or complaint
Sometimes it can be confusing to know where to turn when you need help. Consult this handy list of organizations that may be able help you, depending on your complaint.
À qui vous adresser si vous avez un problème ou une plainte à formuler
Si vous avez eu un problème avec un produit ou un service financier, il peut…
Potential OBSI changes for investment dispute resolution
OBSI may become responsible for providing an independent dispute resolution service — whose decisions would be binding — under a proposed regulatory framework.
OSBI : changements potentiels pour le règlement des différends en matière d’investissement
En vertu d’une proposition de cadre réglementaire, l’OSBI pourrait devenir responsable de fournir un service indépendant de règlement des différends dont les décisions seraient exécutoires.
Making a complaint: Reporting wrongdoing
Reporting wrongdoing enables regulators to take action and may prevent it from happening to anyone else.
5 steps to assess your advisor
Keep these five steps in mind to know how your advisor relationship is going.