There are several different ways to borrow money, each with different kinds of fees, interest rates, and ways to repay.
Managing debt
Debt shouldn’t get in the way of your saving and investing. Learn how to manage it.
Quelles questions poser si vous devez emprunter de l’argent
Quand est-il logique d’emprunter de l’argent? En savoir plus sur les questions préalables à vous poser avant de répondre à cette question.
What to ask if you need to borrow money
When does it make sense to borrow money? These tips will help you answer that question.
Strategies to pay down debt
The sooner you pay off your debts, the sooner you can put money into savings or an investment.
Devriez‑vous rembourser vos dettes ou investir?
Il est possible que vous disposiez d’un peu d’argent supplémentaire à certains moments de l’année,…
Should you pay debt or invest?
If you have extra money, this calculator helps you decide whether to invest or pay off debt.
Comment vérifier votre dossier de crédit
Votre dossier et votre cote de crédit reflètent vos antécédents de crédit et vos antécédents d’emprunt et de remboursement d’argent.
How to check your credit report
Your credit report and credit score reflect your credit history and record of borrowing and repaying money.
How credit cards work
8 things to know about your credit card.
How to choose a credit card
Before you choose one, make sure you know the fees and what you’re paying for.
Figuring out interest costs
When you borrow money you repay the original amount plus interest. Calculating the interest costs will help you plan your repayment.
Rewards credit cards
Before signing up for a rewards credit card, consider these important questions.