There are many stock markets across the globe and many things that can affect stock prices.
Stocks give you equity in a company, and are traded on a stock exchange.
How stocks and dividends work
Understanding how stocks work and the potential risks or dividends from stocks, will help you develop your investing plan.
How to buy and sell stocks
Understanding how and where stocks are bought and sold.
How to evaluate companies when buying stock
You’ll want to consider both financial and non-financial factors.
Fractional share ownership
A fractional share allows you to purchase a piece, or a fraction, of a share.
How to monitor stock performance
Knowing how your investments are doing can help you make better decisions.
More complex ways to invest in stocks
Short selling, buying on margin, stock
options, and rights and warrants are riskier ways of investing in stocks.
Market-wide circuit breakers
A market-wide circuit breaker is a regulatory measure that temporarily halts trading on all Canadian…
Stocks 101
In this video, learn about stocks.
Financial statement basics
Understanding financial statements is an essential step to informed investment decision-making.
10 reasons to read the notes to financial statements
Notes that accompany financial statements are often as important as the statement.
Understanding non-GAAP financial measures
Learn more about Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and non-GAAP financial measures.