No matter what type of investment you buy or advice you receive, you will be charged fees. There are many different types of fees and ways that you can be charged. Use this calculator to estimate how these fees can affect your investments over time.
Your investment details
Enter the amount you will contribute annually.
Enter the annual rate of return you expect to earn on your investments.
Enter the annual fee you expect to pay for your investments and firm services. Additional charges may be applied to a portfolio, and investments (for example, mutual funds) may include embedded commissions and fees. Speak to your financial representative or firm to understand all charges and compensation related to your account and investment products.
Fees vary depending on the services you receive and types of products you hold. If you have concerns about the fees that you pay, ask questions and shop around before you make a decision. You can also contact the Ontario Securities Commission’s Inquiries and Contact Centre if you have questions.
Fees vary depending on the services you receive and types of products you hold. If you have concerns about the fees that you pay, ask questions and shop around before you make a decision. You can also contact the Ontario Securities Commission’s Inquiries and Contact Centre if you have questions.