Like mutual funds, hedge funds pool people’s money to invest.
High yield bonds
High yield bonds are corporate bonds issued by companies that have been given low credit ratings.
Income trusts
Income trusts are designed to distribute cash to investors on a regular basis.
Understanding key features in banks’ debt and preferred share offerings
Learn more about non-viability contingent capital securities.
Principal protected notes (PPNs)
PPNs are designed to protect your original investment and return it to you after a set period of time – no matter how the market performs.
How Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) work
ETFs hold a collection of investments, such as stocks or bonds, that trade on a stock exchange.
How to buy and sell ETFs
You can buy ETFs from an investment dealer through a full-service or online trading platform.
How to monitor ETF performance
There are six main ways you can monitor ETF performance.
What is a GIC and how does it work?
A guaranteed investment certificate is an investment that works like a special kind of deposit.
How to buy GICs
Buying a GIC involves four key steps.
What is a GIA and how does it work?
Guaranteed interest annuity (GIA) is an insurance contract that provides a buyer with a fixed rate on their deposits.
How mutual funds work
A mutual fund is a collection of investments, such as stocks, bonds and other funds.