Like any investment, investing in a cannabis company comes with risks that could negatively affect your investment.
Tips to be a smart investor
Find out how to make better investing decisions and recognize the warning signs of investment fraud.
Investing as we age
This survey aims to better understand the financial knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of Ontarians who are 45 years or older or approaching this demographic.
Investing using information found on social media
Be aware of the risks of relying on information shared online that could be incomplete or misleading.
Meet Letty Dewar, Chair of the Investor Advisory Panel
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Meet Carlie Weinreb, Finance and Tax whiz
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Understanding non-GAAP financial measures
Learn more about Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and non-GAAP financial measures.
Understanding Fund Facts
Fund Facts gives you an overview of the fund’s top investments and overall investment mix.
Behavioural insights: key concepts, applications, and regulatory considerations
Behavioural insights recognize how people actually behave versus traditional economic and market theory of people as rational actors.
Retirement Readiness: Canadians 50+
Seniors are an extremely important and growing segment of investors whose needs and issues demand attention. In June 2016 the Investor Office commissioned a national study of Canadians 50 years of age or older on pre- and post-retirement planning.
Investor risk, behaviour and beliefs
This report provides a compelling look at how Canadians handle – or don’t handle – risk, emotion, financial loss and decision-making when it comes to their investments.
Financial Life Stages of Older Canadians
This national study identifies the top financial concerns of older Canadians, particularly as they relate to retirement planning and living.