MISSING OUT: Report and Resources

Top reasons non-investor millennials gave for avoiding investing included having other financial priorities, not having enough income or savings, not knowing enough about investing, and concerns about losing money in the markets.

1 min read

MISSING OUT: Millenials and the Market

The savings and investment
decisions that millennials make will have significant implications not only for themselves, but also for Ontario’s capital markets and its economy.

8 min read

Investing as we age

This survey aims to better understand the financial knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of Ontarians who are 45 years or older or approaching this demographic.

3 min read

Retirement Readiness: Canadians 50+

Seniors are an extremely important and growing segment of investors whose needs and issues demand attention. In June 2016 the Investor Office commissioned a national study of Canadians 50 years of age or older on pre- and post-retirement planning.

3 min read

Investor risk, behaviour and beliefs

This report provides a compelling look at how Canadians handle – or don’t handle – risk, emotion, financial loss and decision-making when it comes to their investments.

2 min read
Showing results 13-22 of 22